As year one draws to a close, the word “amazing” comes to mind. While we hoped we could slowly shift the paradigm of world mission, we stand amazed at the doors God opened so quickly. The vision to reach the world without leaving America resonates with people. It is exciting to see that God has sent the nations to us, and that thousands of biblically trained former prisoners can be part of the process.
Our vision statement remains unchanged: By 2025, reduce the number of unengaged-unreached people groups (uupgs) from 3206 to zero, by mobilizing every church member to respond in theology, worship, discipleship, and outreach. Some have said, “you’ll never reach all those groups,” but the number is now down to 3158--and is more achievable than ever.
To do our part, we set a goal to make connect with 1000 people and conduct 300 consultations by the year 2025. We have already made 210 contacts and have performed 32 consultations, well ahead of pace.
To reach these goals, we use four strategies: 1) Target the diaspora in our country; 2) Reduce duplication of effort by connecting agencies with one another; 3) Mobilize a different set of workers, especially the urban poor and the formerly incarcerated; 4) Offer ways to get every believer involved without leaving home.
To help us focus, we set six priorities for 2019:
1. Expand relationships in prison ministry.
2. Expand relationships in world mission.
3. Expand relationships with African American churches.
4. Develop the Houston diaspora model and roll it out to other cities.
5. Expand exposure of the Onesimus Workshop.
6. Secure remaining operational funding.
We are amazed at the progress in each of these six priorities even though we are only half-way through the year. Thanks for helping us get the job done.
Completion Global by 2025…its’ amazing!