About 10 years ago, Dr. Don Davis and I were asked to write a study to help new believers understand their role in God’s cosmic drama. So we wrote Fight the Good Fight of Faith (FGFF), a nine-lesson workbook to help people get grounded in their identity in Christ.
Since then, we have joyfully witnessed its proliferation around the world. It’s been translated to 28 languages with more to come, thanks to our friend Harold Roesler. People in prisons across America have come to faith in Christ. Others have been rescued from discouragement or suicide. Pastors and elders have used it for Bible training when seminary or Bible college is not available. In one closed country, 3,000 copies were smuggled in using pack animals, and in another country (that can’t be mentioned) over 10,000 believers have been through it in the last couple years.
A Chaplain in Minnesota reported baptizing 30 prisoners in December, 20 of whom could be attributed to transformation from FGFF.
The latest translation in process is Gio, a language spoken in Liberia. Cathy helped her friend Odesa Turner get this started to disciple believers through Odesa’s ministry that already includes health care, job creation, and education in Liberia (tmshealthcenter.net).
During COVID, many people in India were dying and believers were despondent. FGFF came in their languages and provided hope that brought renewal to their faith and their discouragement turned to zeal. Pastor Sudipta is teaching FGFF four nights a week in a different language each night: English, Odia, Bengali, and Hindi.
We thought you’d be encouraged to hear a few testimonies. “My role in God's great, grand story is not a small thing, I'm in this fallen world with a great purpose to represent myself as a comrade to bring many people to God's Kingdom.” Dr. Ankita Narjinary, Kolkata, West Bengal.
“This training has convinced me that there is a fight going on against the evil forces and now I am a soldier in God's army to carry on the fight. Also it has made me bold enough so that I am telling everyone that we have to stand firm in our faith and fight all kinds of evil practices in the community.” Mr. Kumaresh Patra, Odisha
Please pray for more open doors and translations so that lives will be changed by the Word of God through Fight the Good Fight of Faith in new locations.
