My friend (and Completion Global Board Chair) Harold Roesler said, “I hope you see all that God helped you accomplish in 2022.” This month, we looked back at the objectives we listed last January as we developed our 2022 strategic plan. We were happily surprised by the progress and thought you would be encouraged as well.
1. Complete our aim to connect with 1000 people by 2025. (Contacts reached the 1000 contact mark three years ahead of schedule!).
2. Assist the National African American Missions Council (NAAMC) to develop a missions assessment process for Black churches. (Submitted to NAAMC in March).
3. Present the vision of Completion Global at three conferences. (Correctional Ministries and Chaplains Association (CMCA) - May, NAAMC - June, Serving USA - November).
4. Publish a second edition of The Heroic Venture for Crossroads Prison Ministry and Taylor University. (Published - May, Crossroads year’s supply – September).
5. Help two Houston ministries advance diaspora ministry locally. (Epiphany Life Change connected with Oasis Center (Dallas) and Atascadero Bible Church (California) to advance diaspora church planting for the formerly incarcerated; Global Gates advanced implementation of our “People Group Tracker”).
6. Supply Church Connectors Ministry (Minneapolis) and other U.S. partners with a template for starting diaspora coalitions outside of Houston. (A diaspora coalition “ecosystem” platform was designed and fundraising started in December).
7. Create a strategy to start other metro diaspora coalitions. (A DFW Diaspora Coalition was launched in December with Alliance 436, a test site for the “ecosystem” to be replicated in other cities).
8. Design and implement paradigms that can be implemented in county jails nationally. (Training and re-entry approaches were offered to Good News Prison and Jails and Prison Fellowship).
9. Assist One Community Church in the implementation of a prison ministry that can be replicated with other Black churches nationally. (One Community Church launched Project 61:1, a vibrant ministry for the incarcerated and their families, equipped with several local, regional, and national contacts).
10. Produce articles or webinars to educate the public on issues related to our vision, values, or strategies. (An article Rickie Bradshaw and I published by Missio Nexus prompted a podcast invitation from Center for Missionary Mobilization; Reconciliation Fellowship prompted a webinar invitation from Mosaix PDX; Linking Global Voices invited us into an international cohort of urban diaspora collaboration).
Praise God for His work!
A copy of our 2023 Strategic Plan and 2022 finances (990EZ) are available at our website ( Thank you if you have been giving through Amazon Smile, but you may have heard they are discontinuing their program on February 20, 2023.
