Every January we prepare a review of the previous year, re-visiting our purpose, vision, values, and accomplishments so we can stay focused on our calling and give praise to God for His work through us. We are delighted to share the news about 2024.
1. We helped Dave Martin from Mosaix PDX form the Portland Diaspora Coalition where collaboration can accelerate in caring for immigrants in the name of Christ.
2. We introduced One Community Church to Bud Houston in order to train their evangelism team to share the gospel with Hindu neighbors in Dallas.
3. We enjoyed a visit to several Houston-area prisons, including a TUMI graduation for Epiphany Life Change, led by our friend Charles Anderson. We also connected Charles with a Dallas-area re-entry ministry, so any of Charles’ TUMI students across Texas can find a church and community if they are released to Dallas.
4. We published a second edition of Think Again, for use in trauma prevention inside and outside of prisons and a helpful sequel to Fight the Good Fight of Faith.
5. We had an article published in Evangelical Missions Quarterly about our experience establishing several diaspora coalitions in metro areas.
6. We participated in a think tank of Missio Nexus partners on how to encourage minority participation in world missions.
7. We created the initial infrastructure for The Empowerment Network, a national coalition of prison ministers dedicated to empowering disciple-makers who have been affected by incarceration.
8. We celebrated the translation of The Onesimus Workshop in Kinyarwanda to help churches welcome former prisoners to their communities.
9. We consulted with Prison Fellowship and God Behind Bars to strengthen their re-entry and leadership training programs.
10. We placed three of our books on the Pando app, making them accessible to prisoner tablets across America (Climbing Up, Think Again, The Heroic Venture).
11. We visited four Kansas prison classes, two halfway houses, and three church plants associated with Firm Foundations ministries (led by Matt Thomas). And in what may be the highlight of the year, we came back a few weeks later to serve Thanksgiving dinner to the men in Lansing prison.
We also want to thank you for praying and giving to our ministry, because these are things we accomplished together for His Kingdom last year!
